We will be re-opening the Selby Centre to the public from Monday following updated guidance by the government.

It will be a phased return as some of our licensee organisations may continue operating remotely for a while.
We are constantly monitoring the latest advice from the correct authorities; Public Health England, The World Health Organisation, The NHS, and all official announcements made by Parliament.
Here is how we are keeping you safe:
We encourage our staff and visitors to continue to bring a suitable face mask or covering to wear during whilst visiting Selby Centre.
We have marked out areas where queues or gatherings might occur to help you maintain a safe distance from others.
Hand sanitiser stations are available across the Centre to ensure you can sanitise your hands.
Confined areas where it is not possible to observe social distancing may be closed when necessary to prevent any potential build-up of people.
Directional markings remain in place, creating signs to introduce a safe flow of movement inside and around the Selby Centre.
Where and when necessary, we will limit the number of people coming into the Selby Centre to ensure we do not get too busy.
With the above in place, we hope you will have confidence that we are doing all we can to help keep you and the Selby Centre safe, and an enjoyable place to visit.