Useful resources
To help support you, we've put a few useful resources and links for you to look at under several different categories. These are Art & Culture, Education & Employability, Environmental, Health & Wellbeing, Poverty & Inequality, and Safety & Social Justice.
Art & Culture
Haringey Council
North Tottenham Townscape Heritage Initiative
Haringey History Toolkit
Urban character study
Historic England
Heritage at risk

Education & Employability
Centre of Economic & Social Inclusion
Haringey Council
Hatch Regeneris
Moving On Up

Association for the Conservation of Energy
Energy Efficiency in London
Haringey Council
A Manifesto to Deliver Sustainable Regeneration in Haringey
Zero Carbon Haringey
Smarter travel report
Greater London Authority
Air Quality in the Borough
Better Environment & Better Health

Health & Wellbeing
Haringey Council
Indoor sports facilities needs assessment & strategy 2018-2028
A Physical Activity & Sport Strategy for Haringey 2019-2023
Child & adolescent mental health services & transformation plan
Haringey Devolution pilot
Public Health England
Local wellbeing, local growth
Making obesity everybody's business

Poverty & inequality
Child Poverty Action Group
Child poverty in London facts
Trust for London

Safety & social justice
Haringey Council
Homes for Haringey
London Assembly
Respecting others: tackling antisocial behaviour in London